Reply To: Topic for inconsistencies on the site

y not

hello Axel,

I will comment on only your last para. Lal has addressed the rest.

We must keep in mind that English ‘as she is spoke’ nowadays in not necessarily British English. Most non-native English speakers and those who took their degrees in the US in particular use what has come to be termed as American English, or a mixture of both, not only when speaking but also when writing. For instance, the use of the double comparative, like more sweeter or more subtler is, strictly speaking (or ‘strictly writing’ in this case !),wrong in formal English, but otherwise common and accepted in other forms of the Language.

However, truly glaring errors often encountered with are due to plain ignorance: interchanging its with it’s, for instance No such are to be found in any of the posts. I have gone through the latest post and it is ok. Most errors, and there are many, are obvious mistakes when typing, due, I am sure, to the lack of time at hand to go over the posts again and proofread. This is therefore understandable and for that reason excusable. It becomes serious only when it alters, or when it may alter, the intended meaning. In such (rare) instances, I had to ask for clarification, and I did.