The word “Idappaccayatā” comes from “ida” for “here” and the closest English word for “paccaya” is “condition”. Thus Idappaccayatā implies “based on this condition at this moment”. Therefore, Idappaccayatā Paticca Samuppāda describes how “pati icca” leads to “sama uppāda” moment by moment based on the conditions present at that moment; see, “Paticca Samuppāda – “Pati+ichcha”+”Sama+uppāda””.
I have revised the post to add this explanation and a couple of more revisions: “Idappaccayatā Paticca Samuppāda“.
Thanks, Tobias, for the suggestion.
The additional “p” in “idappacayata” comes from the combination of “ida” and “paccaya”.
This is similar to “dammacakka” and “pavattana” combined to yield “dhammacakkappavattana” in the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta.