Reply To: Pathama Metta Sutta (AN 4.125)


Hi Lal.

Here is the sutta that Johnny might be referring to.

Sutta SN 25.1 Cakkhusutta The Eye :
“Someone who has faith and confidence in these principles is called a follower by faith. They’ve arrived at inevitability regarding the right path, they’ve arrived at the level of the good person, and they’ve transcended the level of the bad person. They can’t do any deed which would make them be reborn in hell, the animal realm, or the ghost realm. They can’t die without realizing the fruit of stream-entry.

Someone who accepts these principles after considering them with a degree of wisdom is called a follower of the teachings. They’ve arrived at inevitability regarding the right path, they’ve arrived at the level of the good person, and they’ve transcended the level of the bad person. They can’t do any deed which would make them be reborn in hell, the animal realm, or the ghost realm. They can’t die without realizing the fruit of stream-entry. Someone who understands and sees these principles is called a stream-enterer, not liable to be reborn in the underworld, bound for awakening.”

In Pali:
“Cakkhuṃ bhikkhave, aniccaṃ viparināmī1- aññathābhāvi, sotaṃ aniccaṃ viparināmī aññathābhāvī, ghānaṃ aniccaṃ viparināmī aññathābhāvī, jivhā aniccā viparināmī aññathābhāvī, kāyo anicco viparināmī aññathābhāvī, mano anicco viparināmī aññathābhāvī. 
Yo bhikkhave, ime dhamme evaṃ saddahati adhivuccati, ayaṃ vuccati saddhānusārī okkanto sammattaniyāmaṃ sappurisabhumiṃ okkanto vītivatto puthujjanabhumiṃ, abhabbo taṃ kammaṃ kātuṃ yaṃ kammaṃ katvā nirayaṃ vā tiracchānayoniṃ vā pettivisayaṃ vā upapajjeyya. Abhabbo va2- tāva kālaṃ kātuṃ yāva na sotāpattiphalaṃ sacchikaroti. 
Yassa kho bhikkhave, ime dhamme evaṃ paññāya mattaso nijjhānaṃ khamanti, ayaṃ vuccati dhammānusāri okkanto sammattaniyāmaṃ sappurisabhumiṃ okkanto vītivatto puthujjanabhumiṃ, abhabbo taṃ kammaṃ kātuṃ yaṃ kammaṃ katvā nirayaṃ vā tiracchānayoniṃ vā pettivisayaṃ vā upapajjeyya. Abhabbo va tāva kālaṃ kātuṃ yāva na sotāpattiphalaṃ sacchikaroti. 
Yo bhikkhave, ime dhamme evaṃ jānāti3- evaṃ passati. Ayaṃ vuccati sotāpanno avinipātadhammo niyato sambodhiparāyanoti.”