Reply To: Discourse 1 – Nicca, Sukha, Atta


upekkha100 said: “I think there may be some technical problems going on, maybe my full posts are not appearing and others’ comments are not fully appearing for me, I’ve seen others make similar comments before.”

I don’t think there are any technical problems. Please be specific.
However, I noticed today that Siebe seems to have posted a comment in the “General Forum”, but no post is there. Did you delete the post, Siebe?

If anyone has a problem in posting, please send me an email ([email protected]) with the post and I will post it myself.

Regarding the “ultimate truth” point that upekkha100 is talking about:

This could be a problem with expressing one’s idea about “ultimate truth in this world”, “ultimate solution to the problem of suffering in this world” and “ultimate happiness”. The first two involve “this world of 31 realms”. The last is the end result or Nibbana.

upekkha100 said: “But as it was pointed out by Lal, it is Nibbana that is the ultimate truth. Therefore not even Buddha Dhamma is the ultimate truth”.

It would have been better if I said “Nibbana is the ultimate solution. Buddha Dhamma is the ultimate truth in this world“.

Nibbana is NOT in this world. We live in “this world”. To get to Nibbana, we need Buddha Dhamma, which is the ultimate truth in this world. But once one attains the Arahanthood, there is no need for Buddha Dhamma either. It has done its part.

This is why the Buddha said that once one attains the Arahanthood, one should give up any attachment to Buddha Dhamma too. He said it would be like carrying the boat after crossing a river using the boat.