Reply To: How to handle niyata micca ditthi work situations


The link for Prince Nanda’s, story is from the Udana section..
There was a nice sutta from Sariputta, the full sutta is very intresting to read.. There should be at least a single act of kindness you can recall, from even the worst of people. E.g. they can buying u a coffee,or meal, etc. I know it a very hard thing to do, but u can reflect on the good side.

Ven. Sariputta said: “There are these five ways of subduing hatred by which, when hatred arises in a monk, he should wipe it out completely. Which five?

“There is the case where some people are impure in their bodily behavior but pure in their verbal behavior. Hatred for a person of this sort should be subdued.

“There is the case where some people are impure in their verbal behavior but pure in their bodily behavior. Hatred for a person of this sort should also be subdued.

“There is the case where some people are impure in their bodily behavior & verbal behavior, but who periodically experience mental clarity & calm. Hatred for a person of this sort should also be subdued.

“There is the case where some people are impure in their bodily behavior & verbal behavior, and who do not periodically experience mental clarity & calm. Hatred for a person of this sort should also be subdued.

“There is the case where some people are pure in their bodily behavior & their verbal behavior, and who periodically experience mental clarity & calm. Hatred for a person of this sort should also be subdued.