Reply To: Anantariya Kamma, Euthanasia and Assisted Suicides


“Punnābhi sankhāra, apunnābhi sankhāra, ānenjābhi sankhāra ayan vuccathi avijjā paccayā sankhāra“.
When deeds are done to live in this world, one has to do sankhāra. They become abhisankhāra when those are done with greed, hate, and/or ignorance

my 2 cents,

if the sankhara, is not contain greed, hate & ignorance intention then it can not become abhisankhara.
Ie. end arahat life but without greed, hate & ignorance intention, then it can not become anantariya akusala kamma.
However I think it is almost impossible 100% free from greed, hate & ignorance.
