Reply To: Quantum Mechanics – First Three Posts


Lal, this morning had interesting experiences while thinking about rupa formation and QM

From your post about electron orbitals, we can infer on bramana and pari-bramana which gets energised by chitta. (covered in your post: Meaning, mind creating matter is what these electron orbitals are.

When these create maha-bhoota from suddastaka, depending upon how the gati is, the rupa gets formed and that is what is sensed by the 6 senses and then goes about reacting to it

Once it reaches maha-bhoota stage, these particles say photons or electrons or neutrons can possibly be anywhere within the measurement medium and will have wave function depending upon the gati defined by the gandabba

This I felt very fascinating as an experience and wanted to share with you and also find out whether my assessment of QM wtih gati is right.

Comments from you is welcome.