Reply To: Jhana and magga pala


@ y not: Yes. There are many suttas such as the one you quoted (which I had not read), where it is shown that magga phala can be attained without going through any jhana.

But this sutta is interesting in that it says Anagami stage is possible by alms giving or making offerings (dana).

On the surface it appears that one may not need to have a comprehension of Tilakkhana or the Four Noble Truths in order to attain the Anagami stage.

The relevant passage is at the end of the Danamahapphala Sutta AN 7.52: “yvāyaṃ na heva sāpekho dānaṃ deti; na pati¬baddha-citto dānaṃ deti; na sannidhipekho dānaṃ deti; na ‘imaṃ pecca pari¬bhuñjis¬sāmī’ti dānaṃ deti; napi ‘sāhu dānan’ti dānaṃ deti; napi ‘dinnapubbaṃ katapubbaṃ pitupitāmahehi na arahāmi porāṇaṃ kulavaṃsaṃ hāpetun’ti dānaṃ deti; napi ‘ahaṃ pacāmi, ime na pacanti, nārahāmi pacanto apacantānaṃ dānaṃ adātun’ti dānaṃ deti; napi ‘yathā tesaṃ pubbakānaṃ isīnaṃ tāni mahāyaññāni ahesuṃ, seyyathidaṃ—aṭṭhakassa vāmakassa vāmadevassa vessāmittassa yamadaggino aṅgīrasassa bhāradvājassa vāseṭṭhassa kassapassa bhaguno, evaṃ me ayaṃ dānasaṃvibhāgo bhavissatī’ti dānaṃ deti; napi ‘imaṃ me dānaṃ dadato cittaṃ pasīdati, attamanatā somanassaṃ upajāyatī’ti dānaṃ deti; api ca kho cit¬tā¬laṅkā¬ra¬citta¬parik¬khā¬raṃ dānaṃ deti. So taṃ dānaṃ datvā kāyassa bhedā paraṃ maraṇā brahma¬kāyikā¬naṃ devānaṃ sahabyataṃ upapajjati. So taṃ kammaṃ khepetvā taṃ iddhiṃ taṃ yasaṃ taṃ ādhipaccaṃ anāgāmī hoti anāgantā itthattaṃ.”

However, in order to have that mindset (“yvāyaṃ na heva sāpekho dānaṃ deti; na pati¬baddha¬citto dānaṃ deti; na sannidhipekho dānaṃ deti; na ‘imaṃ pecca pari¬bhuñjis¬sāmī’ti dānaṃ deti;..”), one has to comprehend Tilakkhana.

This is what I will be discussing in the next desana on Tilakkhana. The ‘right mindest” comes with anicca sanna.

A normal human does pretty much everything with the nicca sanna. Therefore, even when giving, even if one may not be thinking about “getting something in return”, that sanna is with that person. In suttas this is called “sanna vipallasa”. In Sinhala it is called “vipareetha sanna”. I have used the phrase “vipareetha sanna” in several posts, I need to change that to provide the Pali phrase “sanna vipallasa”.

You can do a search at the Puredhamma site with the key word “vipareetha sanna” and there are several posts.

The bottom line is that in order to have the right mindset to reap more benefits of giving, one must have the anicca sanna to some level. That anicca sanna must be at a high level to reap higher benefits of giving and to become an Anagami.

I will try to incorporate this to the next desana on Tilakkhana, because it is an important point. Thanks to y not for the comment.

Finally, to provide the web link, type the title (say, the name of a sutta), select it, and then click “link” on the formatting options. That will open a link window, asking for the url of the web page. Now open that web link in a different window, copy it and paste it. You may also want to select “open in a new window”, so that the reader can access that web page in a different window, while staying in the forum.

Here is the web page that y not referred to: Generosity, dana, caga

It is simple and will save a lot time for others to try to find the web page. Thanks.