Reply To: The "I am" fever


Dear Sybe07,

Very nice analogy and compilation. What you have stated is certainly true and is exactly what happens to every being. With humans, it is more pronounced as we search for security in everything and that is the cause of expectation – be it love, work, belongingness etc.,

Personally, have been through the situation which you have stated in the last paragraph from age of 11 itself and that made me to start the search on why certain things have happened with me in this way.

During my growing years, have become heated up due to this isolation and misunderstanding which near and dear one used to get about me and that made be being silent most of the time. Even my parents used to feel that there is something wrong with me as I was more into observer role rather than a reaction one.

There existed a rage in me to prove to people that I can perform which I did eventually, but instead of change in the situation which I expected, they saw me being rude and arrogant filled with ego centric ambitions, while internally I was not so.
No matter of explaining could help which further increased the isolation making me feel stressed all the time and internal heating up continued into bouts of anger on some pretext or other due to this non-fulfilment and not being loved or accepted no matter what.

This made me to explore into Hindu and Buddha dharma from 1999 onwards.

After my father death in 2010 there has been several transformations because of Buddha Dharma and also due to Upanishad(s) which also carries the same essence of Buddha Dharma and that transformation made me “cool” from inside and stopped 3 things from 2013 onwards:

1. Comparison with anything
2. Compulsive living
3. Competing with oneself or others

Just last month my mother also died and that has further more transformed me teaching real essence of life and how looking at tilakkhana (anicca, dukkha, anatta) every moment can be of refuge in the whirlpool of crisis.

Thought of sharing this personal experience which has made me see the fragility of life for which we all strive for and how one could cool down in the eye of storm by following the path of Buddha dharma.

I do agree that one should be realistic in one’s own attainment which needs to be backed with personal experience which helps one to “be cool” when calamity strikes.