Reply To: does good kamma lead to good results?


Reflecting on this the thought arose in me that for me it is better not to talk to much about moral and immoral. Intentions and deeds mixed with greed, hate and delusion are especially unskilfull.

But behind these intentions and deeds there is most of the time the view that those greedy, hateful, deluded deeds are in our own interest and protect something, our happiness, that of our familie, country etc. Is this immoral?

We do not have to become moralist, preachers who now what is moral and immoral. The Buddha has given us the knowledge by which we can see that this greed, hate and delusion is not really to our own advantage or of that of others.

Intentions. Obama will probably also think it was a good intention to kill Osama Bin Laden. Trump, in his own way, will also have good intentions. If we would talk to Hitler we would even see his good intentions. It is so simple to belief he had only bad intentions. In his own deluded way he had good intentions. At least that is what i belief.

So what especially counts is the view behind these intentions. That’s what de sutta makes clear. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. It is the view that counts. Therefor, in the end it not about being moral or immoral but having right or wrong view. Amen:-)