Support of monks / monasteries / centers

  • This topic has 8 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 weeks ago by Lal.
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    • #51497

      Do you support any Dhamma centers, monasteries and therefore monks? I’m from Europe, I have no contact with monasteries here, I would like to support somehow – but everything on other continents ;)

      E.g. question to @gad (Jittananto), who writes that he runs – there is a center there, in Africa, where, as is well known, they have financial problems often – maybe a good idea to support?

      You get the idea – if one has surplus – and there are Dhamma places that need help then one should support.

      Please write which places are worth supporting, which you support – I would like to join.

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    • #51499

      Supporting Dhamma centers and monasteries is a good cause.

      • However, this website is focused on teaching Dhamma. It would be impossible to sort out and list specific ones.
      • Anyone can make their own recommendations. However, please DO NOT list bank accounts to which to send money. Just provide names, website links, contact phone numbers/emails (if providing that information is acceptable to those Dhamma centers and monasteries.)
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    • #51506

      Hello Nibbid83, may you and all living beings be and stay well. 

      If you’re interested in supporting some monasteries in Sri Lanka, I can and know someone that help you with that. I have a contact in Sri Lanka whom I sent my money to and she helps me to hold the money and send the money to the monasteries in Sri Lanka at my request. She’s very trustable, I have known her for years and have met her 2 times personally in Sri Lanka, as well she follows and practices the dhamma.

      I live in Canada and the problem / issue I found when I send or donate money through the banks to monasteries in Sri Lanka is that the banks usually charge a hefty fee on the transfer. I believe one time at least the bank took like $30 -$40 USD just for a transfer. . . So I no longer use the bank instead I use Western Union. If you would like to know more or have any questions or concerns, you can e-mail me at [email protected] or you can inquire further here in this thread.  

      A monastery in Sri Lanka I can recommend to support is:

      Jethavanarama Buddhist Monastery

      I have been to the monastery 2 times and can see they do their best to help all sentient beings. A few PD members are there right now or have visited there. DanielST a former member recently ordained at the monastery.

      Starting at 3:20 of the video. My search for the truth

      A monastery I’m looking into start possibility supporting is Parama Nibbana Dharmayathanaya    

      Something for consideration, although it’s important to donate / offer to satta’s with higher merits / attainments. What’s also important is our intention and deeper understanding of the intentions we’re carrying out. 

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      • #51508

        Triple Gem student, I also live in Canada and it’s a problem to send abroad. Western Union is a good alternative.

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    • #51507

      Hello, Friend Nibbid83🙏🏿. I am a simple devotee and I do not run a monastery. I recommend you to support Jethavaranama Monastery. The Bhikkhunis monastery of California (Dhammadharini) and the construction of the Cetiya of Venerable Arahant Ananda in Sri Lanka. You can contact me by email at [email protected]. I will give you the phone numbers of those responsible for donations. Yes, the Ugandan monastery needs a lot of support. Here Donate. People can even go there to teach at the Village Buddhist school or to volunteer.

      Supporting the Sangha brings a lot of Kusulas Kamma and will lead you to Nibbāna. Many disciples of Lord Buddha have done this kind of action during many past lives in the Sasanas of ancient Lord Buddhas. This is why they were able to encounter the Dhamma and attain Nibbāna during the time of Lord Gautama. Of course, it is important to understand the Dhamma. It is only by understanding the Dhamma that one sees the importance of supporting the Sangha. May you attain Nibbāna as quickly as possible 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🌸.

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    • #51517

      A lay devotee told me about a project to build a broadcasting station for the teachings of Venerable Waharaka Thero which is being built in Sri Lanka. The video for this project is from 2021 but it is still in progress. The station will be near the Bodhi tree in Anuradhapura. Anyone can contribute by sending funds. Information is at the end of the video. The video is in Sinhala and lasts 2 minutes. If someone does not understand, it is possible to ask Sir Lal or someone who speaks the language.

    • #51520

      Information on how to send funds is there in English @ 0.59 minutes.

      • Typically, I would remove videos with such specific details. However, this is a unique situation for a worthy cause.
      • My only reservation is that if the project starts in 2021, what is the current status? Is it close to being finished?
    • #51525

      She says the building is still under construction.

    • #51526

      Thank you!

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