Repairing Mind from 'No Thought' Meditation Practices

  • This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #14139


      Does anyone have any advice for repairing damage to the mind (hadaya vatthu) due to bad meditative practices. I unfortunately was guided in “no thought” meditation by some beings with an agenda. Now, I’m having trouble keeping out these unwanted beings thoughts. It’s like giving the keys to your house to the uncle that would steal you blind. The good news is, I now know their modus operandi and I’m getting a lot of benevolent help from beings with good intentions. Thank you!!! <3

      I think I’ve read posts here that state meditation increases mental function…do you know where those posts are? From a physical standpoint, do you think neurofeedback or herbal supplements would help repair the damage? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

      With metta,
      Donna :)

    • #14140
      y not

      Hello Infilb:

      What beings? Do you know that? From another dimension of this, ,or from another planet? Goes too for the ‘beings with good intentions’

      y not

    • #14141

      1. This world of 31 realms is very complex. While most of us are not exposed to beings in other realms, there are some who can communicate with beings in other realms. See the post:”What Does Buddha Dhamma Say about Creator, Satan, Angels, and Demons?

      In most cases, it is better to avoid communicating with such beings. They may have their own agenda, and may try to steer one in a path they want to. When one firmly gets on the Noble Path, no such being can influence. Usually, when “good beings” want to help, they do that to the best their ability without trying to communicate.

      As with people, it is always beings with similar “gati” that are attracted to people. So, when one’s gati change for the better, they automatically move away. But before that, they might try to influence one not to steer away from them.

      2. Sometimes people do “no thought meditation” based on even instructions from other humans. I know that some people in Sri Lanka believe that Nibbana means getting rid of thoughts. They try remove all thought objects (arammana) that come to the mind. This is dangerous, because one can become “asanna”, i.e., lose “sanna” or perception.

      If one has been doing such meditations, one’s brain could be wired for that. It is possible to re-wire the neurons by staying away from such types of meditations and doing it the right way. See the posts: “Truine Brain: How the Mind Rewires the Brain via Meditation/Habits” and “How Habits are Formed and Broken – A Scientific View“.

      All these problems will go away slowly once one is firmly on the Path. Best to keep in mind that no one else (or no other being) can influence you if you know you are on the right Path.

    • #14144
      y not

      By ‘This world of 31 realms is very complex. While most of us are not exposed to beings in other realms, there are some who can communicate with beings in other realms’ I understand that by ‘world’ you mean, in line with Buddhadhamma, this Universe or any other, not merely this planet Earth.
      I asked Inflib those questions as I too have had experiences that MAY have involved ‘other beings’ , though nothing of a malevolent nature at all, or they could have been just intuition – though the nature and source of THAT is not known to me with any degree of certainty.
      On three seperate instances I had forseen events that occured within days, and the details tallied so pefectly that chance is totally out of the question.What was most remarkable about this was the TOTAL CONVICTION that things would turn out exactly as I had forseen, as if those events had already taken place. In the first two cases I was fully awake; in the third I was mid-way between the waking and the sleeping state.
      Another unrelated instance was when I was about to wake up; mentally I was ‘here’, I had come back, but noticed that my body had been taken over by someone else.I felt bewildered for some time. When I had the determination, by authority, so to speak, and asserted forecfully: ‘that is MY body’, I slipped in and opened my eyes.I sensed myself actually slipping in.
      In all of this no other visible or audible being was involved. Some may have had similar experiences.
      The one case where I was truly baffled was when I walked into this bar. I was about 25 and still drank then. A man of Middle-Eastern origin was reading the palms of the customers there. He was relating them their past with many details .Nothing about the future. Since I was the stranger there, I waited until all were done, then I asked the palmist to read my hand. He had a look at my hand and put it down after only two or three seconds. I asked: ‘well?’. He just shook his head. What he ‘saw’I do not know, or perhaps he had had enough of it by that time !

    • #14145

      Thank you Lal! What a relief, I thought I’d permanent damage. Obviously, I’ve got a spectacled past.

      I don’t want to go into any detail about who these beings are. Mind seeds of this sort can produce no good. As Lal mentioned above, “it is better to avoid communicating with such beings”, that’s the best advice.

      Yes, since I’ve been learning the material here, the communications have decreased. Metta bhavana seems to be helping a lot. Just yesterday, I met a new friend at a local meditation with similar practices. Even at work, some people are systematically being moved around for less contact with old gathi behaviors. :)

      It’s encouraging to see the Path working so well!

      With metta,
      Donna :)

    • #14146
      y not


      I am so glad for you!

      y not

    • #14147

      y not, you said “noticed that my body had been taken over by someone else”. Yes, that’s part of their modus operandi. And yes, they’re very kind b/c they know that this world works on cause and effect, but their intent is control and money.

      y not, if you want to chat PM me via FB. BUT here’s the thing, the more you dwell on it, the wider the door opens to your house. The more you ignore it and follow the Path, the happier, more serene your life will become (closing that door and taking back the key). Just b/c you have that gathi, doesn’t mean you have to follow it to hell and back.

      This world is like a dish washer with many different types of sanitizing cycles. The more you follow bad gathi, the deeper and longer cleaning/sanitizing you need (apayas).

      With metta,
      Donna :)

    • #14149
      y not

      Hello Inflib:

      Thank you for your comments. I am not on facebook. I have internet and a mobile only because they have become absolutely necessary.
      I have always sensed that the best approach is to steer clear of anything to do with the occult, even in the remotest sense of the word.I remember reading H.P Blavatsky’s words in this regard: ‘Once the door is open, it is open to all,and one never knows who will be the next to enter.( Madame Blavatsky was a late 19th century Thesophist who had been trained by ‘Masters’ in Tibet). Of course, Lal has expounded it in the light of Buddhadhamma.
      So let us be grateful and more than grateful that the Teaching has been made available to us.

      y not

      • #14150

        Hi y not,

        Yes, so so grateful to Lal and Ven. Waharaka Thero for bringing this to us fortunate ones that have found it. It is my sincere hope for you that you follow this Path. It will help you recover from the apparent loses you’re having.

        I feel your pain, b/c I lost everything from old gathi and ties to these beings (family, car, career, homes, etc)…all except two suitcases of clothes and am now just getting life back together. And on a bright note, it’s moving along very quickly. The benefits come quickly, try it and see.

        With metta,

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