Questions about quantum theory and Dhamma

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by Lal.
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    • #50161
      Tobi-Wan Kenobi

      Hello Dhamma and science friends.

      Let’s assume that the world only consists of matter and nothing but matter (or energy/E=mc²), then the psychological properties and behavior of all living beings should be derivable from the physical laws the Describe the bonds of the base pairs of DNA and thus also the properties of the 5 elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus and without making any additional assumptions. But that is not the case, which refutes the hypothesis put forward at the beginning that the world is matter and nothing but matter. Classic reductio ad absurdum, proof by reducing to a contradiction Burkhard Heim’s very simple and effective argument that there must be transcendent world dimensions in which these processes take place. (Note: 6 C./ Hannes S.)

      One could therefore also assume that quantum theory is not fundamental. A holistic description of the world without consciousness is therefore not possible. Quantum properties do not scale with large systems, which is why it can be assumed that false premises in quantum systems lead to correct conclusions. (see implication)

      Point 1.) I do not agree with the fundamental view of quantum theory in relation to the Buddha Dhamma. I am not aware that higher collectives have ever been entangled due to the effort involved in increasing the potential. So it is not correct proof that more data cannot be transmitted.

      Point 2.) Spiritual events such as ghosts, subtle beings and so on cannot be explained with entanglement, as these are also based on the basic elements (pathavi, āpo, tejo and vāyo etc.) and consciousness.

      Point 3.) If quantum mechanics were fundamental, it would not have been possible for the Buddha due to his complete extinction/disappearance when Brahma searched for him in the universe (MN49). The Buddha visits a high heavenly realm where he engages in a cosmic contest with a powerful deity who is under the illusion that he is eternal and all-powerful. All knowledge in the world is stored in “Namagotta” in the form of “Pancakkhandha”, including the potentials of elementary matter and the laws of its collectives and everything is produced, connected by “pati +iccha sama+uppāda”.

      There is a controlling mechanism with laws and this is for dead matter in “Pancakkhandha” and with the current PS cycle through “Pancupadanakkhandha” for living matter. (See MN28 /The Longer Simile of the Elephant’s Footprint)

      Point 4.) Non-interchangeable phenomena!

      The five aggregates are non-interchangeable states R, V, S, S, V… non-interchangeable types of observation. If a system has this property, it follows, for mathematical reasons that entanglement states occur in such systems…DOT/Point

      Point 5.) The violation of causality in paranormal phenomena such as ghosts, how should something like that be explained with quantum theory?

      Point 6.) Or the phenomenon of telepathy?

      It’s just my opinion, but I respect YOUR scientific views, which are based on the scientific mainstream, and hope that you are all right. If someone presents experiments with results that refute the points, then I will revise my opinion..

    • #50167

      The basic premise of Tobis’ essay is correct.

      • Modern science (or quantum mechanics) has not shown how mental entities (vedana, sanna, sankhara, vinnana) arise from inert matter.
      • That is not going to happen, ever.
      • It is the reverse that is true. New matter arises based on javana citta created with vedana, sanna, sankhara, and vinnana. That is why the Buddha stated, “Manōpubbangamā dhammā...
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