Progression of niramisa sukha

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    • #37310

      Hello Lal.
      In one of my previous posts you stated:
      “My niramisa sukha has built up over the years.”
      So my question to you is:
      How many times did you notice the increasing of niramisa sukha?

    • #37314

      Helo Zapper,

      Nirāmisa sukha is a “general sense of well-being” and NOT a particular vedanā (like when eating a tasty meal).

      It comes gradually as the mind is cleansed of lobha, dosa, moha.

      There is the following sutta where a former king/aristocrat who became a bhikkhu expressed it as “Oh, what bliss! Oh, what bliss!”
      – The other bhikkhus thought he was thinking about the enjoyments that he had given up. But he explained that it was exactly the opposite.
      Bhaddiya Sutta (Ud 2.1)

      – We don’t realize the burden that we carry when we are enamored with worldly possessions.
      – When you start seeing the “anicca nature” of those possessions, you gain nirāmisa sukha.
      – It just happens over time.

    • #37319

      Do you feel the same level of niramisa sukha or it increased over time?

    • #37320

      As I wrote above, it increases with time as one’s understanding improves.

    • #37321

      Yes I understand that, but did you personally feel an increase of niramisa sukha or it just stayed at the same level?

    • #37324

      Do things happen without causes?
      – If there is no progress in understanding, it will not improve.

      P.S. Unless one becomes at least a Sotapanna Anugami, any progress CAN even reverse. If we die before that, we don’t know where we will be born next. Even if it is in the human realm, one could be born into a “wrong family”.

    • #37326

      niramisa sukha is a sense of well-being, and not a feeling (vedana) as Lal explained.

      Yet it is possible to feel (not sure if this is the right word) that it is getting more stable. On the other hand, it’s also possible to see it getting weaker.

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