Pe 9 Suttavebhaṅgiya

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    • #46646

      Pe 9 Suttavebhaṅgiya 33.8

      Tīṇi saṅkhatalakkhaṇānīti uppādo ṭhiti vayo. Tisso dukkhatāti dukkhadukkhatā vipariṇāmadukkhatā saṅkhatadukkhatā.

      Tattha lobho akusalamūlaṁ kuto samuṭṭhitaṁ? Tividhaṁ ārammaṇaṁ manāpikaṁ amanāpikaṁ upekkhāṭhāniyañca. Tattha manāpikena ārammaṇena lobho akusalamūlaṁ samuṭṭhahati. Iti manāpikā ārammaṇā sukhavedanīyo phasso, sukhavedanīyaṁ phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjate sukhavedanā, sukhavedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjate somanassūpavicāro, somanassūpavicāraṁ paṭicca uppajjate rāgo, rāgaṁ paṭicca uppajjate kāmavitakko, kāmavitakkaṁ paṭicca uppajjate rāgajo pariḷāho rāgajaṁ pariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjate uppādo saṅkhatalakkhaṇo, uppādaṁ saṅkhatalakkhaṇaṁ paṭicca uppajjate vipariṇāmadukkhatā.

      Doso akusalamūlaṁ kuto samuṭṭhitaṁ? Amanāpikena ārammaṇena doso akusalamūlaṁ samuṭṭhitaṁ. Iti amanāpikā ārammaṇā dukkhavedanīyo phasso, dukkhavedanīyaṁ phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjate dukkhavedanā, dukkhavedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjate domanassūpavicāro, domanassūpavicāraṁ paṭicca uppajjate doso, dosaṁ paṭicca uppajjate byāpādavitakko, byāpādavitakkaṁ paṭicca uppajjate dosajo pariḷāho, dosajaṁ pariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjate ṭhitassa aññathattaṁ saṅkhatalakkhaṇaṁ, ṭhitassa aññathattaṁ saṅkhatalakkhaṇaṁ paṭicca uppajjate dukkhadukkhatā vedanā.

      Moho akusalamūlaṁ kuto samuṭṭhitaṁ? Upekkhāṭhāniyena ārammaṇena moho akusalamūlaṁ samuṭṭhitaṁ. Iti upekkhāṭhāniyā ārammaṇā adukkhamasukhavedanīyo phasso, adukkhamasukhavedanīyaṁ phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjate adukkhamasukhā vedanā, adukkhamasukhavedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjate upekkhūpavicāro, upekkhūpavicāraṁ paṭicca uppajjate moho, mohaṁ paṭicca uppajjate vihiṁsāvitakko, vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ paṭicca uppajjate mohajo pariḷāho, mohajaṁ pariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjate vayo saṅkhatalakkhaṇaṁ, vayaṁ saṅkhatalakkhaṇaṁ paṭicca uppajjate saṅkhatadukkhatā, iti ayaṁ tiṇṇaṁ kilesānaṁ niddeso, ayaṁ vuccate kusalapakkhe tipukkhalo nayo.

      I would like to know two things.

      Q1. What is the meaning of saṅkhatadukkhatā? I’ve never heard it in suttā before.

      Q2. Could tini sankhatalakkhana(uppada, thiti annathata, vaya) and tini dukkhalakkhana(sankhara, dukkha, viparinama) be not one-to-one correspondence?

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    • #46648

      Q1. Saṅkhata dukkhatā is the same as  saṅkhāra dukkhatā.

      Q2. They do have a one-to-one correspondence. I think that is discussed in the above post.

      • However, that can be seen more easily with the new analysis based on “uncovering the suffering-free mind” of the pabhassara citta that I started with a series of five posts in “Buddhism – In Charts” (five posts starting with Chart B).
      • I have continued that discussion in “Does “Anatta” Refer to a “Self”?
      • In upcoming posts, I will get to the origin of the three types of dukkha using this approach. I think this will provide a much better understanding of many aspects, not just the three types of suffering.
      • It would be hugely beneficial to understand the above-mentioned posts. That way, one can keep up with the upcoming posts. 


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