Nirāmisa Dukkha and Adukkhamasukha

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    • #53069

      In Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta, it states

      Nirāmisaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vedanaṁ vedayamāno‘nirāmisaṁ dukkhaṁ vedanaṁ vedayāmī’ti pajānāti.

      and also

      Nirāmisaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vedanaṁvedayamāno ‘nirāmisaṁ adukkhamasukhaṁ vedanaṁvedayāmī’ti pajānāti

      We have discussed Nirāmisa sukha, but how can we describe Nirāmisa dukkha and Nirāmisa adukkhamasukha?

    • #53071

      Other than the Satipatthana Sutta (where you quoted), I could not find a discussion on those. I think they mean the following:

      Nirāmisa dukkha:

      • Sometimes, a Noble Disciple may be discouraged by being unable to advance “fast enough” on the Path. One thinks about “why am I not getting to the Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami, or Arahant stage (depending on one’s level)?” or “Is there anything that I am missing to make progress?”, etc. 

      Nirāmisa adukkhamasukha:

      • The absence of either nirāmisa sukha or nirāmisa dukkha, i.e., a neutral mindset.
    • #53079

      I see, thank you!

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