- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 months ago by
April 8, 2024 at 3:00 am #49326
ParticipantNmo sugata.
The 11 Fires as given in the Aditta Pariyaya Sutta starting from raga are listed as follows:
‘Rāgagginā, dosagginā, mohagginā ādittaṁ, jātiyā jarāya maraṇena sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi domanassehi upāyāsehi “ (https://suttacentral.net/sn35.28/en/sujato?lang=en&layout=sidebyside&reference=none¬es=asterisk&highlight=false&script=latin)
The sweet, sweet, Dukkha Ariya Sacca , ( Double Sweet, because no matter how many times I read it – sometimes willingly- sometimes by chance- It is allways SWEET) reads as follows:
Idaṃ kho pana, bhikkhave, dukkhaṃ ariya·saccaṃ: jāti·pi dukkhā, jarā·pi dukkhā (byādhi·pi dukkho) maraṇam·pi dukkhaṃ, a·p·piyehi sampayogo dukkho, piyehi vippayogo dukkho, yampicchaṃ na labhati tam·pi dukkhaṃ; saṃkhittena pañc·upādāna·k·khandhā dukkhā. (https://www.buddha-vacana.org/sutta/samyutta/maha/sn56-011.html)
I tried to co-relate these 2 lists, after listening to Venerable waharaka Theras teachings and of- course Lal Sirs Essays, and I could end up with the following:
- “jāti” can be clubbed as, altogether , a different category which I submitted in the subsequent paragraphs
- Raga, Dwesha and Moha can be considered along with “jāti” – this too I submitted below.
- Jara, Byadhi, Appiyehi Sampayogo, piyehi vippayogo,can be listed under Khaya Dhamma
- Maranam can be listed under Vaya Dhamma for the sake of seperate catogerization.
- Soka, paridevehi, dukka, domanassa, upayasa can be considered as fires of suffering.
Notes and co-relation:
I took “jāti” as that , which comes into being, as the offshoot of a future expectation, desire.
When we look at an “eye” we can discern that it has “come to be” with full of hopes, desires : to see pleasurable things : which may include family, landscapes, innocent animals, good food, other objects of pleasure, places and so on. These desires can also be overt, like looking at the other sex in immoral contexts etc. The “eye” also involves using the same , to fulfil the desires of the other 5 (ear, nose, tongue, body and Mind).
This much so about Jati.
The First Sacca then, is about “jāti” which comes amalgamated(Moha) with future expectations and Iccha (Raga , Dwesha) , and due to which (because of such delusional amalgamation) , when subjected to the natural course of Khaya and Vaya , suffers in the fires of Soka, Paridevana, Dukkha, Domanassa and Upayasa.
Points which remain to ponder would be, where do these 2 : “yam pi iccham na labhati Dukkham” and “Samkshiptena saṃkhittena pañc·upādāna·k·khandhā dukkhā” come.
The former then could be a succinct definition of the sacca itself as “Anichcha” . The later might be hinting, how it was the case from uncountable births ago to the present one, and how it wold roll on further , which is further dwelled in the Second Truth and how it can be stopped from rolling further as given in the third and fourth saccas.
I would like if someone corrected/added or improved upon it. I would like to learn more.
Ps: Our Telugu New Year is tomorrow. Best “Ugadhi” wishes to all of you Sirs.
The more I listen to Wharaka Sirs Teachings and slowly but steadily go through this site , by jaw keeps dropping!!!! I now understand a bit better and as a result, I can set my work targets better. For instance I realize , Nibbana is not an achievable target for me in this life, nor even the Sotapanna or even coming closer. I have set simpler and more immediate targets. I am into mid fourtie’s and I plan to have good discipline in My life(for what ever more it lasts). That I am sure is gettable(improvements) by next Ugadhi.
When ever I visit famous Buddhist ruins , near my home town (that’s all the Buddhism that left in my country), I get very emotional. We sit where the monks once used to sit, roam around. I Feel so happy just being there. (I posted a pic- that one- was the dining hall for the monks. I think nearly a 1500 year old site. Its name is Thotlakonda)
Hope all of you have also set good work targets, and are swinging it good. Regards Sirs.
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April 8, 2024 at 7:36 am #49328
- Also, it is critical to note that bhava and jati take place at every Paticca Samuppada cycle within a lifetime.
- See “Idappaccayātā Paṭicca Samuppāda – Bhava and Jāti Within a Lifetime” and other posts in “Paṭicca Samuppāda During a Lifetime.”
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