CBT and satipatthana bhavana

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    • #51700

      I recently learned about CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).

      It seems very similar to satipatthana.

      I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on this topic.

      Here’s a short video introducing CBT.

      I have noticed that the approach to the mind in CBT is very similar to the method of Buddha Dhamma.

      In particular, I think that focusing on how automatic thoughts and core beliefs affect a person’s lifetime is remarkably similar to satipatthana.

      I also found myself thinking about the differences between CBT and Satipatthana. It seems that the criterion distinguishing the two is whether there is an understanding of the infinite suffering of samsara.

    • #51707

      “It seems very similar to satipatthana.”

      • No, it is not. It is a very superficial analysis, even though there is nothing wrong with it.
      • Satipatthana leads to Nibbana. Does that analysis lead to Nibbana?
      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #51710

      Satipatthana leads to Nibbana. Does that analysis lead to Nibbana?”

      No. I understand what you’re saying. I need to focus more on nibbana. I was just looking for an explanation that would be easier for the general public to approach. However, I think it would be more appropriate to focus on nibbana by myself. Thank you.

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