Caṅkamasutta Interpretation

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Lal.
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    • #31339


      I came across this sutta: Caṅkamasutta. I am sure the translations are wrong as Buddha did not teach walking meditation but I am curious about the deep meaning of this sutta. If anyone knows a good interpretation of this sutta please share.


    • #31343

      Hello Aniduan,

      It is a short sutta, and the following is my translation:

      Bhikkhus, there are these five benefits of walking meditation. What five?
      – One becomes capable of undertaking long journeys.
      – Helps with making effort.
      – Makes one healthy.
      – It helps with the digestion of food.
      – The level of concentration attained through walking meditation is long-lasting.

      Those are the five benefits of walking meditation.”

      Contrary to the perception that one needs to sit and stay like a statue during mediation is a myth.
      – The Buddha said one should meditate in all four postures: sitting, standing, walking, and lying down.
      – Depending on one’s activity, it is POSSIBLE to meditate in all four postures.
      – Walking meditation is especially helpful after a meal or when one is feeling lethargic.

      However, one needs to be prudent about it. For example, while driving one needs to fully concentrate on that, and NOT contemplate on anicca, dukkha, anatta!

    • #31344

      You probably have wrong idea about walking meditation as walking and focusing/thinking/noting that you walk will lead to Nibbana so yes Buddha did not teach that type of meditation, same with breathing – when we speak about Buddha’s meditation we always speak about Three marks, 8-fold Path, Paticca Samupadda etc.

    • #31345

      Christian wrote: “..when we speak about Buddha’s meditation we always speak about Three marks, 8-fold Path, Paticca Samupadda etc.’

      Yes. You can do that while in all four postures.
      – In addition to contemplating on those (and even before being able to do that), one must get into the habit of being mindful of one’s actions. See the post referred below.

      In Buddhist temples, there are walking paths. In some old temples, there are designated “walking paths” between two statues of a Buddha facing the walkway.

      We need to remember that Anapanasati and Satipatthana meditations are supposed to be done at all times, especially to determine if one’s action is wise or not.
      – See, “Kāyānupassanā – Section on Postures (Iriyāpathapabba)

      P.S. By the way, Ven. Ananda attained the Arahanthood while in none of the above four postures. He was contemplating a Dhamma concept while getting ready to go to bed. The phala moment came when he was in the process of lying down. He was not standing but had not got to the lying down position on the bed.
      – So, he was contemplating that concept, and the “clarification” came in that particular instant where his feet were off the ground, but he had not yet fully landed on the bed!
      – If anyone remembers the sutta, please post. If I come across it, I will post it here.

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