Buddhism’s perspective on Halloween


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    • #50469

      I remembered a sermon I had listened to. In this sermon, the Bhante said that a Buddhist should not give importance to Halloween. During Halloween, people dress up as ghosts and put on makeup that imitates painful wounds. He said that some beings truly suffer from these wounds and that there are indeed petas (hungry ghosts) who are in constant distress. By imitating this, it’s like we aspire to have this kind of suffering in the future. I would like to know what you think about it, Sir Lal or anyone else.

      The sermon lasts 20 minutes

    • #50476

      Yes. Buddhists understand that such activities are meaningless and only bind oneself to kama loka.

      • Watching movies (without educational value) for entertainment, playing video games, etc., belong in the same category.
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    • #50485

      Sir, I seek your advice. I find myself no longer interested in many worldly activities. Some relatives accuse me of being indifferent and becoming antisocial, blaming it on my practice of Buddhism. I abstain from alcohol and avoid parties, and when I do attend, I leave early. I still enjoy video games and some films, but not as much as before. How should I handle this situation? People are at risk of developing Dosa right? As laypeople, we are bound to encounter this kind of dilemma, especially in a non-Buddhist society.

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    • #50488

      We cannot help it that others think of us that way. Such issues arise because of their wrong views, i.e., they have not yet heard or understood Buddha Dhamma.

      • The only thing we can do is avoid arguing with them. Arguing will certainly anger them and be detrimental to them.
      • So, my advice is to politely refuse to engage in social activities you do not wish to participate in. It is best to give an excuse that you have other commitments.
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    • #50491

      Thank you for your response Sir🙏🏿

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