Anicca – Repeated Arising/Destruction

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    • #50348

      Anicca – Repeated Arising/Destruction

      Post: 1. Anicca has been analyzed in several different ways in the Tipiṭaka. In the Patisambidha Magga Prakarana in the Tipiṭaka, it is explained as,

      uppāda vayattena anicca”,

      Could anyone share the link for Patisambidha Magga Prakarana, and where we can find the line “uppāda vayattena anicca”? The internet doesnt seem to have these search results.

    • #50351

      You are right. I just did a search and could not find it.

      • I wrote that post long ago based on a discourse by Waharaka Thero. 
      • The verse does make sense. “uppāda vayaṭṭhena aniccā” means “anicca lakkhana is embedded in udaya (arising due to causes and conditions) and vaya (can be stopped from arising by removing causes and conditions) of a sankhata.” 
      • Here, “vayaṭṭhena” is “vaya aṭṭhena”  where “aṭṭhena” means “the reason” or ‘because of”.
      • Thus, “uppāda vayaṭṭhena” means “because whatever is arising in this world can be stopped from arising.” 
      • It is possible that the verse is in another Commentary on the Tipitaka. Also, that post needs re-writing. One more thing added to the “To-Do” list.
      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #50359

      Yep, just wanted to find out more about that specific discourse.

      And thank you for your tireless efforts to continue to update and create new posts as well!

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