Anicca, Dukkha & Anatta

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Lal.
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    • #38268

      Today I participated in a Zoom Dhamma talk about Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta. In your post: Anicca – Inability to Keep What We Like, you state: “The First Noble Truth clearly states that anicca nature IS the root cause of suffering.”

      In the Barre Center Dhamma talk, there was an opportunity to ask questions. I asked if anicca was the root cause of suffering. The teacher replied “no” that it was not. That the Buddha never spoke of causes. Additionally, the teacher stated that the Buddha stated: “All things of creation are anicca.” He also said that sankhara means something constructed together; a conglomeration of things.”

      This seems rather foreign to me as I understand anicca. Is it true that the Buddha never spoke of causes? Something is telling me that it may not be worth attending the next two sessions. Based on what this teacher is teaching, is it worth it to continue?

    • #38270

      It should become clear when you see that iccha and anicca are related.

      See, “Essence of Buddhism – In the First Sutta

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