Amoha = Panna?

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Lal.
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    • #21091
      Tobias G

      While searching in the internet I found several times the statement, that amoha = panna. But I understand from Lal: amoha is not a cetasika but panna is a cetasika. Panna means to “understand the ultimate realities (and tilakkhana)” in a range varying from Sotapanna anugami until Arahant. On the other side amoha means just the absence of moha (or the moha cetasika in the vinnana).

      Even the “Manual of Abhidhamma” from Narada Maha Thera states on p. 126 (Chapter II – Cetasika):

      “Alobha, Adosa and Amoha are the three roots of good.
      Amoha is not mentioned amongst the nineteen Beautiful
      Cetasikas because it is implied by Pannà-wisdom.”

      What is correct or why do so many sources state amoha = panna?

    • #21094

      Yes. There are many cases like this. We just need to evaluate them using Dhamma concepts. Buddha Dhamma is self-consistent.

      1. Anyone may act with amoha at times, but panna needs to be cultivated (by comprehending Tilakkhana).
      2. To comprehend Tilakkhana fully (and thus to cultivate panna to the fullest), one must have a tihetuka birth.
      • To get a tihetuka birth one must be born with a kamma done with alobha, adosa, amoha. That is why it is called Tihetuka.
      • Therefore, amoha is a pe-requisite to be able to cultivate panna.

      That is why amoha is not panna.

    • #21110
      Tobias G

      Is panna same as nana? When someone reaches the Arahant stage his/her panna becomes full developed and he/she attains samma nana. So it seems nana equals panna.

    • #21114

      No. Different types of ñāna (insights) are gained while one is cultivating paññā.

      For example, udayavaya ñāna and namarupa paricceda ñāna are gained before one can attain the Arahant stage. Of course, one attains the Atahant stage when one’s paññā is optimized.

      Samma ñāna and paññā are both fulfilled at the Arahant stage.

    • #21127

      I received an email about amoha and panna requesting further clarification.

      Amoha means “without moha”, and moha is a mind that is covered for one with 10 types of miccha ditthi; see, “Lōbha, Dōsa, Mōha versus Rāga, Patigha, Avijjā“.

      So, there is a huge difference between amoha and panna. Panna requires comprehension of Tilakkhana.

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