About Post: “Craving for pornography”

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Lal.
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    • #38271

      Reference post:
      Craving for Pornography – How to Reduce the Tendency

      Correction in #7;

      You say in #7 point that “People just get born out of nothing.”

      Seems like more appropriate phrasing might be “people don’t just get born out of nothing.”

      Context in the #7:

      “Also, do things happen, or do they arise due to CAUSES? Cause and effect is the basis of science. Things ALWAYS occur due to (multiple) causes. People just get born out of nothing. Previous causes led to the birth of a human being (or any other living being). The Buddha said these causes are the kamma, what we have done in the past.”

    • #38279

      Good suggestion. I just revised it.
      Thank you!

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