January 27, 2025 at 12:51 pm
I also wanted to add that what we give is what we receive as long as we have the conditions to receive it.
- Suppose a serial killer who has not committed anantariya kamma becomes a Sakadāgāmi deva or anagami Brahma, he will no longer receive bad Vipāka. He will no longer be able to be killed, hurt, get sick, abuse, steal, deceive etc. They do not have the condition to receive the effects of the causes which they have sown in the past which is the possession of a dense body.
- An arahant with a dense body has eliminated the possibility of creating a new Kamma (kriya kamma), but he will continue to experience the causes (unhealthy actions committed in the cycle of rebirths) and effects (injuries, pain, murder, illnesses, etc.) because of his dense body(condition). Angulimala received beatings from the families of his victims even when he became an arahant. If Angulimala had become an anagami Brahma or a sakadāgāmi deva, none of this would have happened to him. A Brahma has a body too subtle to suffer. If women who commit abortion at least succeed in becoming Ariya devas and Brahmas, they can escape the bad consequences of their actions. However, it is very rare for one to become Ariya after performing extreme acts like this.
The case of Venerable Angulimala was exceptional, if Lord Buddha had not come, he would have been executed by the king’s soldiers and would have taken rebirth in a niraya. Those who become ariya after performing this kind of action are those who have powerful paramis. Angulimala was a yogi in a past life, so he probably developed jhanas. See the Jayaddisa Jataka.
See also the Video of the Wat San fran Monastery : Jayaddisa jataka.