This Sansara is like Hell. Such situations arise due to previous kamma and trap the individual.
If a minor girl is raped and gets pregnant, that was also a part of that process. Now if she kills the baby then again a new kamma is generated. It’s very unfortunate but technically she is trapped now. If she doesn’t abort then she will die but if does then it may generate a kamma of killing a human. In such situations it should be the choice of that person because there is no absolute answer to this. So if abortion takes place then that girl is now safe from death but not from Sansara, so she must practice the dhamma and do meritorious activities so to be free from these tortures and confusions once and for all. If that’s not happening then it doesn’t really matter in the long term if you live or not. But the ignorant mind’s tendency is to stay alive no matter what( except in extraordinary situations). So to be Societally Correct, that girl has the right to abort the baby , but in the Absolute Truth, that doesn’t change anything but would make the things worse depending on her mind’s condition, intention etc.
I do also feel that we need to define what exactly Sancetana or bad intention would be. I heard of a story about Ven. Sariputta where he meets a man crying and feeling sad, he asked him why are you sad?
That man says that he will be going to be born in hell because he is the Executioner of The king on whose command he has to kill the thieves and the criminals but he is forced to do this job as he was once a thief and the king caught him and gave him 2 options, to either be killed or work under him for this job. Fearing death he took this option. Then Ven. Sariputta asked him that do you Enjoy killing those people?
He said no , he doesn’t like what he does. Then Sariputta told him that you won’t be born in hell as your mind didn’t Like imparting that torture on them. That man doesn’t believe Ven. Sariputta and leaves by saying that he would definitely be born in hell. He becomes a Deva after his death.
I don’t know the Sutta please check or else I will try to search it.