Reply To: The four hardships


That was explained (indirectly) in #8 of the recent post “Mind-Pleasing Things” in the World Arise via Paṭicca Samuppāda.” I reproduce that below.


Paṭi+ichcha” also Leads to “Sama+uppāda“ – Making of the External World

8. The second, still mostly hidden, aspect of Paṭicca Samuppāda is that it creates the necessary environment (external world) to generate the appropriate “saññā.” I have been trying to explain this aspect for two years now; I don’t know how many have grasped this concept. I hope the current approach will be helpful!

  • The kammic energies generated when one engages in akusala kamma (based on upādāna) lead to two effects: (i) they can bring vipāka for that person in the future (for example, lead to rebirth in a given realm), and (ii) that energy also contributes to the preparation of the external environment necessary to bring that vipāka. For example, a suitable environment must exist for an animal to be born. 
  • For example, when the Sun, Earth, and other planets are “re-formed,” initially, all four lowest realms are absent. Then, as people (Brahma-kāyika humans) start gradually “going back to their old ways and engaging in akusala kamma,” they generate kammic energies for their individual futures and also collectively to make the environment for such births to occur. 
  • In a newly-formed Earth, the animal realm will likely emerge first before the other three apāyās. Initially, the environment for animals to survive (vegetation) was absent. With the collective kammic energy being generated, that environment emerges first, i.e., plants appear first, plant-eating animals, and then carnivorous animals. The first animals of a given type appear with opapātika births. Depending on the situation, one of four birth types can occur; see “Four Types of Births in Buddhism.” 


The collective kammic energies by all living beings in our cakkavala (Earth-based) can affect the motions of the Sun and the Moon, thereby leading to changes in environmental conditions. These include droughts, hurricanes, floods, etc. Since abhisankhara (javana power) generated by humans is the strongest, human behavior dominantly affects these issues/conditions.

  • The physical environment can drastically change over time if the collective human psyche becomes increasingly moral/immoral. That is how the lifetimes of humans (physical human bodies) move up to around 100,000 years and move down to around 10 years. Such changes occur over many millions of years. 
  • For example, human lifetimes have not changed significantly since the days of Buddha Gotama (around 100 years). But they are expected to increase to around 20,000 years when the next Buddha, Buddha Maitreya, will be born in millions of years. See the recent discussion, “Why Was Gotama Buddha’s Lifespan So Short Compared to Other Buddhas?
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