Reply To: On “Introduction -2 – The Three Categories of Suffering”


“Does this mean that the above analysis I just described is mundane and cannot take us to Nibbāna, even if we can reduce and even stop Tanha from arising (Tanha Nirodho) using this analysis (2nd, 3rd Noble Truth)?”

  • The mundane meaning of anicca you described in nothing new. Anyone can see that anything in this world cannot be maintained in its prime condition. 
  • If that is the case, why must we learn Buddha Dhamma?
  • No. “tanha nirodha” cannot be achieved by looking at the external world. One must understand how those things in the external world arise to induce tanha in us, AND why our bodies have the intrinsic built-in mechanism to generate tanha.
  • Even just learning about the deeper meaning in Buddha’s teachings is not enough. To cultivate the anicca saññā and to get rid of kāma rāga (and attain the Anagami stage), One must cultivate the correct version of Satipatthana based on it.  
  • However, just learning/comprehending the deeper version (to some extent) can help attain the Sotapanna stage because that requires only getting rid of the sakkaya ditthi (the wrong view that acquiring worldly things can remove suffering).
  • Getting rid of kāma saññā is more difficult.