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Lal: All those are subject to arising (uppada) and decay. Anyone (including puthujjanas) can see that. That is the “mundane anicca nature,” i.e., we cannot maintain anything in prime condition for long times, even though that is what anyone would like or desire (icca).

This is explained as the “mundane anicca nature“, so I presume that it would lead to mundane dukkha nature and mundane anatta nature. So

  • we cannot maintain anything in prime condition for long times, even though that is what anyone would like or desire (icca). (anicca)
  • Because of this, there is suffering (dukkha)
  • Therefore, everything in this world is of no essence (anatta) – Yadaniccaṁ taṁ dukkhaṁ, yaṁ dukkhaṁ tadanattā

Does this mean that the above analysis I just described is mundane and cannot take us to Nibbāna, even if we can reduce and even stop Tanha from arising (Tanha Nirodho) using this analysis (2nd, 3rd Noble Truth)?