Reply To: On “Introduction -2 – The Three Categories of Suffering”


“Should it be ṭhitassa aññathattaṁ (subjected to unexpected change) instead? As written in point 7 of Vipallāsa (Diṭṭhi, Saññā, Citta) Affect Saṅkhāra?”

“Also, where can we categorize the suffering from “tāpa” or “heat in mind.” – is it under sankhara dukkha?”

  • Yes. It is under sankhara dukkha. The mind gets stressed while generating abhisankhara (with raga, dosa, moha), even if we may not realize it. But we can definitely feel it when getting angry.

“Also, does samphassa-jā-dukkha vedanā fall under dukkha dukkha? For example, hearing ourselves getting scolded.”

  • No. Samphassa-jā-dukkha vedanā is created by the mind. So, it should come under sankhara dukkha
  • Dukkha dukkha is mainly “vipaka” coming to the physical body. However, based on that, we also generate samphassa-jā-dukkha vedanā (in the mind).
  • So, this categorization is not very clear-cut.