January 4, 2025 at 6:20 pm
Thank you for revising.
Post: A saṅkhata (anything prepared by the mind, which includes everything in the world) has the following three characteristics: uppāda (arising,) its existence (ṭhiti) before destruction, and vaya (cessation, i.e., it can be stopped from occurring in the future, not its destruction).
Should it be ṭhitassa aññathattaṁ (subjected to unexpected change) instead? As written in point 7 of Vipallāsa (Diṭṭhi, Saññā, Citta) Affect Saṅkhāra
- Also, where can we categorise the suffering from “tāpa” or “heat in mind.”, or the vexatious feeling of craving – is it under sankhara dukkha?
- Also, does samphassa-jā-dukkha vedanā fall under dukkha dukkha? For example, hearing ourselves getting scolded