Reply To: Arupavacara Brahama and defiled sanna


Thank you for your response. 

That’s a good point. I didn’t know arupavacara Brahamas generate kamma. I knew it was impossible for them to generate kamma. 

I recently read this post : Taṇhā – Result of Saññā Giving Rise to Mind-Made Vedanā


However, rupa loka  Brahmās automatically receive “rupa saññā” or “saññā of the respective jhāna.” For example, those in the lower realms receive the “saññā of the first jhāna,” and those in the higher realms receive the “saññā of the corresponding higher jhāna.” However, they only generate saṅkhāra to “enjoy such distorted saññā” but do not generate new kamma (with abhisaṅkhāra) that can generate “bhava energy.” 

A similar process holds for the anariya arupa loka Brahmās. No new kamma can be generated (to a significant extent) while in that existence. It is like taking a “long vacation” and returning home. Usually, the abhisaṅkhāra generation starts with “kāma saññā” (in kāma loka), as we discuss in #7 below.

I think I read this part(especially that two bold sentences) and thought as above. (rupa/arupavacara Brahmas can’t generate kamma)

But I understand your explanation. They have distorted sanna and also defiled sanna if there remain samyojana/anusaya. So they attach anariya arupa samapatti and generate kamma. But that kamma isn’t strong enough to generate new bhava energy. 

Is my understanding right?

With metta_()_