Reply To: How to practice Asubha, by venerabel Deegoda Dhammadasi


I realized I skipped the first part of Amin’s comment in my above answer.

Amin wrote the following in the first part of his comment:

“3. How to properly apply the “asubha anusati”, to stop the advance of impurities?
Such as lustful thoughts and sexual desires.

• The usual method that I have heard and put into practice is; getting into some kind of Samadhi and then beginning to visualize the internal organs.
Taking them out and looking at the organs, and making it as real as possible, such as the blood, smell, etc…
And repeating this process over and over again with more details.

• After practicing in this manner for a few months I begin to notice a few things.
° Such as excessive irritation.
° Depress mindset.
° And Strange behaviors; I begin visiting the graveyard too much!

I don’t think there was any development of wisdom.” (highlighting is mine)


That conclusion is correct. See the posts in “Maha Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta.”

  • As I remember, some of those issues are discussed.
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