Reply To: Sermon by Waharaka Thero on “Noble truth of suffering”



  • jāti dhamma” (those that arise via Paticca Samuppada) include “Partners and children, male and female bondservants, goats and sheep, chickens and pigs, elephants and cattle, and gold and money are all jāti dhamma.” See “Pāsarāsi Sutta (MN 26).”
  • Note that the English translation in the above link is misleading/wrong: “Partners and children, male and female bondservants, goats and sheep, chickens and pigs, elephants and cattle, and gold and money are liable to be reborn.”

Is it correct to rephrase that all these rupa (Partners and children, male and female bondservants, goats and sheep, chickens and pigs, elephants and cattle, and gold and money) are dhamma (created by kammic energies) which has the characteristics of jati? And they are also dhamma which have the characteristics of jara, maranam.