Reply To: Sermon by Waharaka Thero on “Noble truth of suffering”


There is also another meaning of Jāti in that post: 
8. When one gets deeper into Buddha Dhamma, one can see that everything in this world is “born” due to causes and effects, i.e., Paṭicca Samuppāda. For example, a tree is born out of a seed. A car is “born” in a factory. Paṭicca Samuppāda can describe all those.

Do you think the jāti, jāra, maranaṃ of things outside of us is applicable in the Noble Truths as well? Eg jāti, jāra, maranaṃ of a car, a tree etc. Eg the Jāti of a painting does not matter to someone who is blind, but it does for someone who likes/ dislikes paintings and when they see it. The Jāti of a Buddha brings joy to many beings. The Venerable in Amin’s video also gave an example – the death (maranaṃ) of Bin Laden brought americans joy, but suffering to the Talibans.

Pathfinder wrote: “Jati itself is not suffering, but our attachment to it causes suffering.”
That is not correct. Any and all types of jati embed suffering.

That makes sense, all Jāti embed suffering when we think of Uppatti Paṭicca Samuppāda jāti and Idappaccayātā Paṭicca Samuppāda jāti. It may be a bit different when we think about jāti, jāra, maranaṃ outside of us (with the example I gave about the painting and Bin Laden)