Reply To: How do I practice dhamma for stream-entry in this life itself?


Yes, Silabbata paramasa is an obstacle to Nibbāna. This obstacle is completely eradicated at the sotāpanna stage. 

We agree that a person will become a Sotāpanna if they possess the necessary kusalas and noble association. If any of these conditions are lacking, the attainment of magga phala will not occur. A clear example of this is King Ajatasattu. He had the requisite kusalas to become a Sotāpanna; however, due to his association with Devadatta and his act of anantariya kamma by killing his father, King Bimbisāra, he obstructed his ability to achieve magga phala.

We can also become sotāpanna by listening to a discussion that is not addressed to us. See Kali the mother of Venerable Arahant Sona.  She became a sotāpanna while listening to a discussion between two Yakkhas. Kali is the foremost laywoman in faith. 

Birth of Sona Kutikanna

By then Ascetic Gautama had become a Sammā Sambuddha under the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya as Lord Gautama Buddha. The Buddha delivered His first sermon named “Dhammachakkappavattana sutta” meaning “Turning of the Wheel of Truth” to five previous ascetic companions at the Deer Park in Isipathana, now called Sārnath near Varanasi in India. It was on the full moon day of the month of July and it is said that large numbers of heavenly beings as well as other non-human beings had come there to listen to the Buddha’s first sermon. Among them was a yakkha general named Sātāgira who discovered that his friend named Hemavata, another yakkha general was not there listening to the sermon by the Buddha. So he left the Deer Park in search of his friend whom he met in the sky in Rajagaha where he informed his friend about the Buddha’s enlightenment and the first sermon. Hemavata asked a series of questions from Sātāgira about the Buddha’s virtuous conduct, wisdom and other characteristics of a Buddha which were described by Sātāgira to his satisfaction. 

This discussion took place in the sky just above the house of Kāli’s parents while she was at the top floor near an open window getting some fresh air as it happened to be a warm night. She overheard the discussion between Sātāgira and Hemavata and was able to hear the noble qualities of the Buddha’s conduct, wisdom and other qualities of the Buddha. As she was listening to them, she developed immense faith and confidence in the Buddha and attained the first supra mundane spiritual stage of Stream Enterer (Sotāpanna) at that very moment. During the same night, Kali is said to have delivered a baby boy who was named Sona.

  • This story proves once again that practicing jhānas is not a condition for magga phala.