Reply To: How do I practice dhamma for stream-entry in this life itself?


Thank you for the clarifications, Sir. In the case of Venerable Arahant Kondanna, he was listening to Lord Buddha. As for Venerable Arahant Cittahattha, he listened to many discourses from both Lord Buddha and other noble individuals. While walking towards the monastery, he recalled these discourses and became a sotāpanna. Yes I agree one can become a sotāpanna at any moment. The key point here is the importance of associating with noble people.

  • We are not living in the time of Lord Buddha, and we do not possess the iddhi powers to discern who is an ariya. An ariya can be either a layperson or a bhikkhu. However, to maximize our chances of engaging with noble individuals, it is advisable to seek discussions with bhikkhus or bhikkhunis. True bhikkhus and bhikkhunis devote their efforts to attaining Nibbāna 24 hours a day, without being distracted by worldly obligations, unlike laypeople. It is among these individuals that we may have the opportunity to meet arahants. This is why it is important to engage in conversations with bhikkhus and bhikkhunis.
  • Of course, one can reach any stage of magga phala as a layperson, but nowadays, it is much more challenging. It is common to see sotāpannas and sakadāgāmis among laypeople; however, a sotāpanna can still enjoy sensual pleasures, which may raise doubts about the attainment of magga phala. Consider Sarakani, the drunken sotāpanna. It is indeed possible to become a sotāpanna by listening to Sarakani since he is an ariya. 
  • One must possess the necessary Kusalas to understand the Dhamma. You might find yourself surrounded by arahants but lack the Kusalas needed to comprehend their teachings. Devadatta is an example. Without the Kusalas developed in past lives, it is impossible to attain the sotāpanna stage. This site provides the opportunity to gain the appropriate understanding to achieve that goal. It is important to reflect on whether the four conditions are fulfilled in our lives!