@Zapper quotes the passage as shown below:
2.12.4. Lokuttarakusalacitta
365.1Katame dhammā kusalā? 365.2Yasmiṁ samaye lokuttaraṁ jhānaṁ bhāveti niyyānikaṁ apacayagāmiṁ diṭṭhigatānaṁ pahānāya paṭhamāya bhūmiyā pattiyā vivicceva kāmehi …pe… paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati dukkhapaṭipadaṁ dandhābhiññaṁ, tasmiṁ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṁ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṁ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṁ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṁ. 365.3Evametesaṁ dhammānaṁ samudayo hoti.
You did not look at the heading of “2.12.1. 2.12.1 Avijjāmūlakakusalaniddesa” which means “2.12. Exposition of Good States Rooted in Ignorance”. As such, even though it is a “2.12.4 Lokmuttarakusalacitta” it is still rooted in ignorance.
This is the English translation by U Thittila on 12. Exposition of Good States Rooted in Ignorance.
Below is the translation by U Thittila on “2.12.1. 2.12.1 Avijjāmūlakakusalaniddesa” which means “2.12. Exposition of Good States Rooted in Ignorance”
What states are good? At the time when (a bhikkhu) develops supramundane jhāna tending to release, dispersive of continuing rebirth and death; he, for the abandoning of wrong view, for the entering of the first stage, aloof from sense pleasures,* attains and dwells in the first jhāna that is hard practice and knowledge slowly acquired; at that time because of ignorance there is activity; because of activity there is consciousness; because of consciousness there is mind; because of mind there is the sixth base; because of the sixth base there is contact; because of contact PTS vp 187 there is feeling; because of feeling there is faith; because of faith there is decision; because of decision there is becoming; because of becoming there is BA 244| birth; because of birth there is ageing and death. Thus is the arising of these states.