Reply To: How to deal with abhijja, by Venerable deegoda dhammadassi


• Sorry for the delay.
° I’m not sure why they haven’t uploaded the videos on YouTube.
° I have uploaded video number 50.
° I’m using an old phone, and YouTube is blocked in my country.(It’s not easy to find a VPN that works)
° I have put the video on unlisted, until
I have asked the venerable.

Dhamma desana 50 in English, by Venrabel Deegoda Dhammadassi. – YouTube

• Timeline.
° 4:00 Reading the question.
° 06:50 End of question.
° 07:47 Four Aria truth.
° 10:45 The opening of the eye of wisdom.
° 14:25 Habits.
° 21:40 Paticcha samuppada.
° 01:03:30 Application of vitakkasanthana sutta.

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