Reply To: Pure Octad constituents


Thank you, that helps a lot.

“5. It seems that one book of the Abhidhamma Pitaka may have been lost. That book should provide details of pure octads and the details of the mental body.”

That’s quite intriguing! I would surmise that your evaluation of concepts such as these entails assessing their compatibility and internal consistency with the Tipitaka, even if it may not manifest in that precise format.

“8. Each person needs to choose the way forward. If Abhidhamma seems too complex, it is not necessary to learn those details. As I pointed out above, most people were not even aware of Abhdidhamma during Buddha’s time. 

I observed that the Jethavanarama Buddhist Monastery places significant emphasis on practical aspects. I have found considerable success in their focus on the deluded perceptions of our minds, such as the tendency to seek clearly defined entities when only manifestations of causes and conditions exist, or the mistaken belief that external objects possess intrinsic pleasures when they do not. In contrast, the Abhidhamma serves as a theoretical framework that elucidates the unparalleled wisdom of the Buddha.

I believe our primary focus should center on practical aspects while also engaging with theoretical ones. We must remain vigilant to avoid becoming overly immersed in abstraction.