October 22, 2024 at 5:34 pm
1. Pathfinder: “Also, I haven’t been able to find ‘anatta’ (without long ā) as a standalone word in any sutta, so I don’t think that word exists, …”
- See “Anattadhamma Sutta (SN 23.18)” and “Anatta Sutta (SN 22.14)“
- Anicca, dukkha, and anatta are characteristics (lakkhana) as explained in “Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta (SN 22.59).”
- Of course, the English translations in those links are incorrect.
2. However, the anicca, dukkha, and anatta nature (of anything associated with our mental or physical bodies) leads to the conclusion that there is no unchanging “soul-type entity” (no permanent “self” or soul) that goes through the rebirth process.
- The error in my old post was also due to referring to that aspect. But that is not quite right.