October 9, 2024 at 4:04 pm
Dr. Lal wrote: “Pure octads (suddhatthaka) are made in two ways:
1. Some are released to the external world as made by the mind. This contributes to the “aura” that surrounds our bodies.
2. The rest of kammic energy created by javana cittas does not reach the suddhatthaka stage and accumulates in vinnana dhatu as dhammā. See “What are rūpa? – Dhamma are rūpa too!”
- Those accumulated dhammās (discussed in the link above) generate suddhatthaka needed to make hadaya vatthu and pasada rupa for a new existence at cuti-patisandhi moments.”
Yes, I understood the above but I was specifically referring to the example where craving the taste of honey can contribute to accumulation of honey