Reply To: Pure Octad constituents


Yes. It is difficult to understand these concepts because we are used to evaluating everything based on the “laws of nature” we have learned from daily experiences and solidified by modern science. Modern science is based on the study of matter. It attempts to address consciousness (or life) as an emergent property, as I pointed out at the beginning of that post, “Buddhist Theory of Matter – Fundamentals.”

  • Buddha taught that the fundamental nature is precisely the opposite. Mind is the precursor, and matter is an emergent property. See “Manōpubbangamā dhammā..”
  • That is why the Buddha hesitated to even start teaching his “new-found Dhamma” because he realized it would not be easy. See, for example, “Brahmāyācana Sutta (SN 6.1).”

Also, clarifying some of these concepts may require asking questions. It is impossible to explain everything in a post where I focus on what I feel to be the optimum approach. However, some or even many people may not be able to understand that approach. So, keep asking questions, and I will do my best to explain.

  • “Matter” (or at least the seeds of matter or suddhatthaka) is created by our thoughts, specifically javana citta with raga, dosa, and moha.