October 7, 2024 at 4:23 pm
Saurabh asked: “1) Can developing all the seven factors of awakening lead one to nibbana?
2) If it can lead one to nibbana then how do I develop all of them? Is there any practice for that?”
I hope you read my comment above carefully before starting on the seven awakening factors. It appears that you read through my comment in a few minutes. Reading and understanding are two different things.
- The seven awakening factors (at least the Noble version leading to Nibbana) can be cultivated only by a Sotapanna.
- One must first understand the basic framework of Buddha’s worldview to become a Sotapanna. That means realizing the anicca nature of the world. Do you understand the meaning of “anicca nature”? If not, I can recommend some posts.
If anyone has questions about my comment above, I can answer them. It is critical to understand those basics.