Reply To: How do I practice dhamma for stream-entry in this life itself?


Thank you for making the effort to write concisely.

I highlighted two critical statements you made in the first part of your comment.

  • I can see how one could think “focusing on the breath” could be equated to “mindfulness.” (It is not. I will explain in a future comment.)
  • Since focusing on the breath keeps a mind away from defiled thoughts (those with raga, dosa, moha), it also provides a “relief to the mind” (which one may experience as “piti/sukha.”), and that may give an incentive to do more (i.e., viriya.) (But that effect is temporary. I will explain in a future comment.)

Can you explain how “focusing on the breath” leads to a “keen investigation of the dhamma”?

P.S. Also, what do you mean by “dhamma”?