Reply To: How do I practice dhamma for stream-entry in this life itself?


Hello Saurabh,

I want to make two suggestions for commenting on the forum. This applies to everyone, so please don’t be offended.

1. It is unnecessary to quote the entire comment by another person.

  • It is a good idea to quote part of a comment (like in your last comment above) and express your thoughts about it. 
  • In other cases, refer to someone’s quote by indicating his/her name (as I have revised your other two comments above.)

2. I have revised some of your comments above to make them a bit more clear.

  • I recommend using word processing software, which I have also recommended to others. There are many free online software packages, such as Google Docs.
  • It is hard enough to express our thoughts in words, so we need to make an effort to convey our ideas as clearly as possible. The message/ideas can get lost with grammar errors.

3. I will think about your comments/questions and will comment later today. In the meantime, I hope others will also provide their suggestions.

P.S. Sorry about the delay in replying. I live in a different time zone (United States). You are probably in India.