Reply To: About Jati and Ayatana


I have summarized idappaccayata paticca samuppada.

Please let me know if there are any mistakes or if there is anything to add. Thank you.

avijja paccaya sankhara: One acts based on ignorance of the bad consequences.

sankhara paccaya vinnana: One develops corrupted expectations about the future.

vinnana paccaya namarupa: One imagines mental images.

namarupa paccaya salayatana: One uses the sensory faculties to bring the imagined images to life.

salayatana paccaya phassa: One experiences corrupted sensory contact.

phassa paccaya vedana: One experiences a corrupted sensory feeling.

vedana paccaya tanha: One automatically clings to  the corrupted sensory experience.

tanha paccaya upadana: One attaches to it with free will.

upadana paccaya bhava: One forms habits.

bhava paccaya jati: One is born into that particular bhava.