Reply To: Questions From a Beginner



Hi brother Hugo,

I know what you mean. Believing in these gods as long as you do good is better than doing actions that harm other beings, but this is only a temporary cure.

When you are about to die, you only remember these gods compared to Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha.

That’s normal because (sorry) ordinary people don’t understand the path of Lokutarra (higher path). They only understand lokiya (the mundane).

So they ask for protection from entities so that their hearts are calm in undergoing death, like a Placebo effect..

Let’s say you reach heaven, but that will have an end..

And most likely will end up in an Apaya realm again when the time in heaven is over..

And so on you go around in Samsara..

In my opinion, our wrong benchmark in undergoing spirituality is the increase in MOHA, LOBHA, DOSA

There is nothing wrong with every being seeking its spiritual goal, depending on their comfort level/understanding; the important thing is that you do not harm other beings.

If you want to be a god, brahma, arupa bharma, that’s the choice of each being.

If you harm other beings, you yourself will also suffer; this is worse.

Worldly happiness is when you get something conditions, but there is supramundane happiness by letting go..

If you are tired and want to be free from all these conditions, Buddha offers medicine (the eight-fold noble path), which leads to NIBBANA.

With metta waisaka 🙏