Hello Feliks,
The eight-letter word is called “Triratna” (the “three jewels”) consisting of “Dhamma”, “Sangha” and “Buddha” and means: The Dhamma = “Yō Paṭiccasamuppādam passati, so Dhammam passati. Yō Dhammam passati, so Paṭiccasamuppādam passati.”, “One who sees Paṭiccasamuppāda sees the (Buddha) Dhamma. One who sees the (Buddha) Dhamma, sees Paṭiccasamuppāda.”.(san+gha) The destruction (gha) of greed, hatred and ignorance (about the nature of the world) by the community (San) leads to Buddha/Arahant-hood (“bu=bava + uddha=uproot”), the eradication of the tendencies towards rebirth.
One who fully understands the Dhamma or Paṭicca samuppāda, understands the path that removes the deep-seated roots of kilesa or the three defilements (raga, mula, dvesha mula and moha mula; “mula = root”) and becomes a buddha/Arahant (one who has uprooted all three) will be freed from rebirth and thus the cessation of the circling thoughts (sanchetana) of defilements, arising from sankhara.
So, in a deeper sense it points to three things: The Noble Truths, Paṭicca samuppāda, Tilakkhana (Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta). Always three…
With Metta _/\_,_/\_,_/\_