Reply To: Questions From a Beginner


@taryal @y not

Namo Buddhaya ☸️

  Dear brothers and sisters in Dhamma. 

  I would like to quote from Handbook for Mankind by Bhuddhadasa, ”Every normal person wishes to gain knowledge but if the knowledge he gains is false, then the more he knows, the more deluded he becomes. Thus more kinds of knowledge can blind the eyes. We have to be careful with this word ‘enlightenment’. The ‘light’ may be the glare of ignorance which blinds and deludes the eye and gives rise to overconfidence. Blinded by the glare of ignorance, we are unable to think straight and so are in no position to defeat suffering.”

  I am just a beginner but I would like to share a little bit in the glorification of the Lords Vishnu and Jesus. They may just be ‘devas’ but they have done more for us than any ‘man’ in the history of the world. 

  How many orphans, how many widows, how many suffering men, how many devout simple people, how many on their deathbeds, how many suffering sickness, have found peace in their hearts by the mercy of those ‘devas’? 

  It may not be ‘salvation’ according to your high standard; it might seem low and humble and uneducated to your high levels but there is no man in the history of the world who has done so much to help us as the Lord Jesus Christ, no heavenly being as the Lord Vishnu, no ‘fake’ Buddha as Lord Amitabha, no ‘Brahma’ as Lord Allah.

  You may think so highly of passionlessness, defilementlessness and fearlessness but the truth is that the one who is the most passionless, defilementless and fearless is a CORPSE. 

  When a good man, woman or child is lying on their deathbeds full of uncertainty and worry, they are not going to care about Buddha, Dhamma or Sangha but rather they are going to plead for mercy from the Lords Allah, Jesus, Vishnu or Amitabha.

  In love,

Namo Buddhaya